Lead Generation Academy

Welcome to your 2025 Lead Generation Roadmap

In just 10 weeks, learn how to build a real estate business that generates 10+ organic leads every month so you can make 2025 your best year in business yet!
This LIVE, “Done With You” group coaching program combines strategy, implementation, and accountability, to help you exponentially increase your lead capture and conversion from three main lead sources: Sphere of Influence/database, Instagram, and Open Houses. 
Together, we will use the last three months of 2024 to get you ready for 2025, all while actually enjoying the process of generating leads along the way!
Generate Real Estate Leads the Modern Way
You’re here because you understand the importance of having consistent leads for your business without having to resort to buying zillow leads, posting generic reels, or using salesy scripts that don’t resonate or convert leads from your database. 
Lead Generation Academy is your roadmap to doing just that—generating organic and consistent leads in a way that aligns authentically with your personality and is sustainable over time.  
In the Academy, you’ll learn a modern approach to organic lead generation that will enhance your business without overwhelming your workload.
Say Goodbye to...
Traditional Sales Tactics: Stop using icky language and sales tactics with people in your database, at open houses, and online. Transform your business by learning how to spark and maintain genuine conversations that lead business opportunities built on trust and authenticity. 
Trendy Reels & Passive Marketing: Eliminate trendy reels, generic email newsletters, and other passive marketing that is being sold to you as “modern lead generation”. Start using technology and social media to actually connect and convert your database, sphere, and local community into real estate leads. 
Paying For Leads: Say goodbye to paying Zillow, Meta, or even your real estate team for business opportunities. Generate your OWN leads by building real relationships with real people. Stop relying on others for your livelihood. Save money and feel good doing it! 
And Say Hello to...
Optimized & Maximized Lead Generation: Imagine generating double or triple the amount of leads from your database, sphere, open houses, and social media? Imagine you did this without spending more time or more money. Lead Generation Academy will teach you how to optimize and maximize the sources of business you are already tapped into…to generate more while doing less. 
Sales Psychology-Infused Strategies: Embrace lead generation strategies that are deeply rooted in sales psychology, designed to attract and convert your ideal clients. You'll learn how to craft messages that resonate, ask meaningful and leading questions, and overcome injections without being “salesly”. 
A Unique Approach: Elevate your real estate business by learning how to connect with people in a way that differentiates you from the crowd. Say goodbye to blending in with the thousands of other real estate agents and hello to lead generation strategies that capture attention and compel your audience to work with you. 
How the Academy Works…
Over the course of 10 weeks, you'll receive weekly pre-recorded trainings, each packed with actionable insights and strategies. While the trainings are pre-recorded, you'll have access to 2 weekly Q&A Group Calls with me and 1:1 chat support, where you can get real-time feedback as you learn & implement. 

10 Week Video Training Series: 
Week 1 (October 7th-October 13th): Lead Gen Foundations & Sales Foundations
Before diving into strategy and implementation, it’s important that we build the foundation. In week 1, you will set up your lead generation systems, set your 2025 goals, and learn the most important sales tactics to be able to actually convert people into leads and leads into clients.   
Week 2 (October 14th-October 20th): Maximizing Your Database
You are likely already nurturing your database and sphere of influence, BUT it’s time to take it up a notch. In week 2, you’ll learn how to generate more leads from your database in an authentic and sustainable way.  
Week 3 (October 21st-October 27th): Referrals, Referrals, Referrals
Past Client, Agent, Database, and Vendor referrals are a crucial component of a sustainable business. That’s why we are spending an entire week learning how to organically generate MORE opportunities and referrals from your network (and don’t worry, if you don’t have a large database or know many people, you’ll learn how to grow this too). 
Week 4 (October 28th-November 3rd): 7 Day Database & Sphere of Influence Sprint
After spending TWO full weeks learning how to generate MORE leads from your database and sphere of influence, you will receive 7 days of guided implementation. This “7 Day Sprint” will allow you to actually implement what you learned and ask questions along the way. 
Week 5 (November 4th-November 10th): Instagram Community Building
We are taking Instagram to a whole new level. In this program, you will learn not just how to post trendy reels but how to actually build connections with hundreds of locals in your community. Week 5 is all about growing your local following, engaging with locals, and setting up your Instagram database. 
Week 6 (November 11th-November 17th): Instagram Lead Capture & Conversion
Once you start growing and engaging your local community on Instagram, we will jump into lead capture and conversion. You will learn all of my Instagram strategies in a way that I have never shared before. 
Week 7 (November 18th-November 24th): 7 Day Social Media Sprint
After spending TWO full weeks learning how to generate MORE leads from Instagram, you will receive 7 days of guided implementation. This “7 Day Sprint” will allow you to actually implement what you learned and ask questions along the way. 
Week 8 (November 25th-December 1st): Generating Leads Around the Holidays
Thanksgiving and the holiday season tend to be my biggest lead generating months! It is the perfect time to double down on communication with your community and database and I am going to teach you how. This Thanksgiving, you’ll be thankful you joined the academy. 
Week 9 (December 2nd-December 8th): Optimizing Open Houses
Many agents use open houses as lead generating opportunities, however, what they don’t realize is that they are going about it ALL WRONG. During week 9, you’ll learn how to optimize open houses to capture leads before, during, and after. If open houses are already something you love to do to get business, these lessons will blow your mind! 
Week 10 (December 9th-December 13th): 2025 Business Planning
Before our time together comes to an end, we will spend 1 week making sure that you are ready to make 2025 your best year yet! We will get all of your questions get answered, create a detailed business and lead generation plan, and send you on your way. 

2 Weekly LIVE Q&A Sessions: 
Every single week, join me and the rest of the group for 2 One-Hour ZOOM sessions. During these live calls, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and learn from my responses to the questions asked by your peers.

Call Times:

They will alternate morning/afternoon weekly.

Week 1: Tuesday & Thursday 10am EST

Week 2: Tuesday & Thursday 2pm EST

Week 3: Tuesday & Thursday 10am EST

Week 4: Tuesday & Thursday 3pm EST

After week 4, I’ll look at which calls got the most people and will plan the next 6 weeks accordingly. I may also add a few random calls really early or really late depending on if there is demand. Trying to be flexible with the group! 

The goal is to offer the calls at different times so that if one time doesn’t work another can! 

If you can’t make the live calls, don’t worry! You will get access to the recordings and will have unlimited chat access to ask me questions.

Chat Support:
Chat support will be open from October 7th-December 13th (Monday-Friday), so you can ask questions, get feedback, and fine-tune your lead generation strategies. Make sure to take advantage before the chat closes at 6 PM EST on December 13th.
How it works: You will have access to multiple chat channels to ask me questions, share your wins, and ask the group for feedback. It’s a collaborative environment to help you learn and implement. 

Weekly Accountability Challenge:
You and I both know that being held accountable to actually implementing the things you learn is crucial to your success. To ensure that you get the best results possible, you will receive a weekly accountability challenge and will be asked to track your progress.
Here’s what happens when you master your Lead Generation Strategy:
You save money by avoiding having to pay lead sources or your real estate team for business opportunities. Instead, you’ll have a well-thought-out plan that lets you execute effortlessly, to help you generate consistent business and income, month after month. 
You increase your earnings potential by maximizing the number of leads you can generate from your database, social media, and open houses, thanks to proven strategies and sales psychology insights.
Closing deals becomes easier as you implement lead generation strategies that attract and convert, making more impactful and lasting connections with people in your community. 
You prepare for long-term success, not just short-term wins. By mastering your Lead Generation strategy, you set the stage for continued success beyond our 10 weeks together, positioning your business for sustained growth and profitability in the months and years to come.
You can enjoy the results of your hard work knowing that you’ve set yourself up for success, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business or personal life while leads and clients roll in. 
Mastering Lead Generation means getting more business opportunities with less stress. More strategic and authentic conversations, less generic marketing, and more enjoyment in your business and life. 
Let 2025 be the year you say goodbye to hoping people reach out to you when they need to buy/sell, and hello to a strategic, stress-free lead generation plan that actually works (and feels good!). 
Let 2025 be the year you crush your real estate goals with confidence and ease.
You’ve made it this far, so here’s what I know about you…
You’re committed to not just quick wins but sustainable success. You recognize the value of planning and preparation to maximize your lead generation results and avoid starting from scratch each month.
You want to see tangible results from your efforts and build a business that thrives during the ups and downs of the economy and market. You’ve put in the work and are ready to leverage proven strategies for maximum impact.
You value strategic support and accountability. You understand that a structured approach will provide clarity and direction, helping you make the most of your efforts. You also know that being held accountable and actually executing what you learn is half the battle. 
You care about making genuine connections, not just with the people you already know but with more locals in your community. You’re ready to scale your real estate business without the traditional sales tactics and guesswork and make 2025 your most successful year yet.
You’re ready to set yourself up for 2025 success with a clear, actionable plan and expert guidance.
Trust in Proven Strategies
Proven Success
With years of experience and a track record of outstanding results, I’m excited to share my Lead Generation strategies that have consistently yielded significant results for my business. 
Here’s a glimpse of what’s possible:
10+ Organic, Warm Leads in One Month
I have generated 10+ leads in one month from these exact sources and strategies. In July, I generated 8 leads from Instagram alone (along with more leads from my database & referrals). 
More Leads with Less Stress
I have traveled to Europe THREE times in the last 6 months…the best part? My business NEVER took a hit. I was able to use the exact strategies taught in the academy to keep my business consistent even when I was traveling the world and enjoying life (yes, as a 1 woman show). 
Booming Business without tons of Experience
Since November of 2019, I have been a part of 180+ Real Estate Transactions. The strategies that you will learn in the Academy are the same ones that I have been implementing and executing since day 1. 
Full Pipeline Before the Next Year Begins
One of the most important goals I have for my business is to have 60-70% of my pipeline for the next year warm and ready to go before January 1. By doubling down on lead generation in Q4, I have always been able to enter the next year knowing where a majority of my business will be coming from. 

What Others Are Saying
Don’t just take my word for it—here’s what agents have experienced using my strategies:

“This is the best decision I ever made. I have reflected now and throughout the whole process and I truly feel like I would not be where I am now if I did not sign up for this coaching. The 1 on 1 support, guidance, and experience Elea has offered to me is worth everything. I plan to continue growing and utilizing everything I have learned. The best thing about Elea’s Strategies is that this information is not what you're going to get reading articles and guides. This is a new and personal way of growing a business and connecting with people and it has worked wonders for me. I have never found luck in calling people, sending strangers mailers, etc. She knew that and made me feel comfortable in everything I was doing and what she was teaching me to do! I couldn't recommend her enough!” 
  • Alex N. | Central Virginia Realtor®

“Since using her strategies I have been able to generate more leads than ever before! Within the first week, I was chatting with dozens of potential buyers and sellers. [Her strategies] have opened my eyes to new ways to generate leads and connect with locals.” 
  • Sadie H. | Cleveland Realtor®

"Just got my 2nd HOT lead and have a few more warm ones. So thankful for your strategies. People at my brokerage can’t believe the success I’m having so soon after getting my license.”
  •  Katherine C. | Atlanta Realtor®

“On day 1 [of implementing your strategies], I already got 4 buyer leads!! You’re the best!” 
  • Katie | Chicago Realtor®

The Details
10 Week Groups Coaching Program — Mix of pre-recorded trainings, LIVE Q&A Calls, & chat support. 
Date: October 7th - December 13th 2024 | calls & chat support ending at 6pm EST on 12/13. 
Platform: Teachable 
What We Will Cover:
—How to set up lead generation systems to actually generate consistent leads. 
—The Mindset and Sales Skills needed to convert people to leads and leads to clients. 
—Maximizing lead generation potential from your database & referrals. 
—Maximizing lead generation potential from Instagram & social media. 
—Maximizing lead generation potential during the holiday season. 
—Maximizing lead generation potential from open houses. 
—Setting up your 2025 business plan to have your best year ever! 

What You'll Achieve

Results are NOT guaranteed as they are a direct result of your own action and implementation. However, By the end of this program, you'll have a comprehensive lead generation plan that includes a roadmap to prepare you thoroughly for 2025, avoiding stress and guesswork. You’ll be equipped with unique and effective lead generation strategies designed to help you make authentic and lasting connections, stand out from the crowd, and leverage modern strategies to attract and convert more leads. Additionally, you’ll learn how to maintain momentum and capitalize on the success you've built during our time together, ensuring that your efforts extend well beyond December of 2024. This program will set you up for a successful 2025 and beyond.


Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What if I can’t attend all the live sessions?
A: No worries! There are no live sessions, all trainings are pre-recorded trainings and will be available for you to watch at your convenience. Trainings dropped weekly on Mondays. 
Q: Will the chat support be available after the program ends?
A: The chat support will be open from October 7th through December 13th, closing at 6 PM EST on the 13th. This time frame ensures you get timely feedback and support during your 10 weeks of learning and implementation. 
Q: Are there any prerequisites for this program?
A: Yes, there are prerequisites. This program is not for brand new agents (less than 6 months), and it’s not for people studying to get their license. You have to have at least 6 months experience in the business and preferably 10+ deals under your belt to truly get the best results. You must know how to get a client through the transaction process (will not be taught in this program). 
Q: Will you tell me exactly what to say when having conversations with people from different sources (open houses, databases, instagram).
A: While I won’t be providing specific scripts or exact wording, I will offer templates and examples, giving you a clear framework to craft your own messaging. You will need to modify these templates to match your personality and market. 
Q: Will this program be available for enrollment after week 1 starts on October 7th?
A: No, this program will not be available for enrollment after doors close on October 4th 11:59 PM. The live and interactive format is crucial for getting the most out of the program, and the timing is strategically planned to help you prepare well in advance for 2025, ensuring you have ample time to set up your strategies without the rush.
Q: How long will I have access to the materials in this program?
A: You will have access to the trainings for the lifetime that my teachable platform is available. 

Investing in the Academy and YOURSELF:
This program requires you to make a financial investment into your business.
However, I do NOT want money or payments to be the reason don't achieve your goals since you are so motivated.
Thus, even though I could charge 10's of thousands of dollars for the value and support provided, I am not...AND there are payment plan options available.

The Return on Your investment:
The Average Home Price in the USA is between $350,000-$500,000.
The Average Commission is between $5,000 - $15,000.
***Even if you close ONE Deal from the things you learned in the Academy (you should close more than that in 2025 if you implement), you will make your money back X5 to X15+!!
The Concept of Financial Abundance:
Is this something you really want to be a part of? Are you nervous or unsure about the financial investment that comes along with it? Let me tell you about financial abundance.
If you wait to invest into your business until you feel you have "enough" money..."enough" will never come. You will continue to be stuck in the SAME cycle that you are in now. You FIRST have to feel like money is abundant and that you are worthy of investing in yourself/your career to actually receive more of it.
So yes, I 100% understand this is a large investment. And I also understand that this may not be the time for you to join the academy. BUT, if you ARE ready to make a change and you ARE ready to actually have the financial abundance you have been seeking, I am here to help you make that happen.

Ready to Make 2025 Your Best Year in Business Yet?
You’re in this to create a profitable and enjoyable real estate business, and Lead Generation Academy is your ticket to making that happen. No more guessing, no more stress—just a clear path to success.

Join Lead Generation Academy today and get ready to see those leads roll in
 Got a question? Just shoot me an email at [email protected].

Ready to Invest in Yourself & Your Business!?


Every agent's business, market, actions, and implementation is different, therefore all results vary. What I CAN guarantee is that I will teach you the systems, strategies, and mindset that have helped me and numerous other agents find success in this industry.

© Living With Elea LLC